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Welcome Dear Reader. Obviously you are here because, like me, you are also searching for that Elusive thing called Happiness. I f you want to join my search go back to the First Post and start from there......Comments are always welcome and contributions too.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

The Other Side of Life

I'm here because I believed that there was no such thing a a mid-life crisis. It never occurred to me, that in the roller coaster ride called Life, accidents do happen.

I also found out that when they happen they can leave such a scar on life that you'll carry it with you for the rest of your life.

I wanted to change that. When there is a dip in the road it has to climb again, and on the other side of the climb could well be the Utopia that I'm seeking. I know it's there somewhere and I'm determined to find it. Alone or with company.

I'm starting a long Journey. I'll share my experiences here so that anyone who is traveling the same road will have something to go by.

Be warned.

Happiness is elusive. Happiness comes in small packets. Happiness is precious. 

If you find it......Treasure it.

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